I didn't really feel like arguing over this since I am neither in any position to say anything nor do I have much say in family matters. But after not being able to resist I drew up this topic with my Mama. Whatever he said, I don't totally agree with it. but nevertheless I couldn't help feeling that he had a point. This post is a euphemism of what he told me. To best put his views I have decided to post the following poem.
The poem “The Ducks and the Hens” was originally written by the king of political incorrectness, George Lincoln Rockwell, a commander and fighter-pilot in WWII who was also a master propagandist, in that his message was well-received (even if most disliked his message due to its association with Germany’s WWII-era party). He was assassinated in 1967. His exploits made him the scourge of Jews in the U.S. Rockwell was certainly a controversial figure during his time. After being affiliated with various mainstream political groups, he grew weary of pointing out many of the fundamental problems afflicting the U.S. and many of those involved with them; he noticed that every time he mentioned that Jews were often the leaders of both foreign organizations (such as those that promote America’s Israel-first policy, which is undoubtedly a much greater problem today) and domestic organizations (which often promoted America’s anti-nationalist policies, similar to NAFTA, CAFTA, etc. today), even though such statements were invariably true, Jews often labeled him and others “Nazis” for pointing this out.
The original idea of the poem was associated with sympathy for Adolf Hitler and his Jew extermination department, but as we that history repeats itself, we can apply the gist to all the latest discriminatory crap like West-Middle east, Shia-Sunni, Jews-Palestinians, OBC- Open, Harbhajan-Symonds and all conflicts involving race, religion, culture, and other ways of classifying people, like scousers and blues.
But perhaps the best analogy would be over recent settlement issues like Raj Thackeray's campaign in Mumbai over non-Maharashtrians, and most recently the Amarnath trust controversy in J&K.
(I hope Sandeep and Vini are reading this, cause I know they will enjoy this post, if not me.)
The Fable of Ducks and Hens
Many, many years ago Down by a pond dwelt all these ducks One day down near the entrance gate "Oh let us in" these poor birds cried Their feathers burned, their combs adroop "Come in! Come in!" the ducks all quacked, And so these poor bedraggled hens Before too many months had lapsed, To please their hosts, these chickens tried This pleased the flock of ducks because The ducks, it seemed, spent all their time They asked the hens what they would do And so these hens began to teach They wrote great books and put on shows One day a mother duck who took "Why duckling's always swim" she gasped, "You're nuts!" her son replied, "Oh fie!" the mother duck exclaimed, "Such talk must stop!" the mother cried, But she was wrong, for even then "But you don't swim!" the ducks exclaimed, The younger ducks, who'd been to school Outnumbered by the younger ducks, That night the Duckville Daily Quack Down at the Duckville Gaity, Next day the hens were at the Club; "You use our dues to fix the pond, "God help us!" exclaimed a wise old duck, But when they went before the judge, "Minorities must have their rights!" Once more the Duckville Daily Quack In Duckville's church, on Sunday morn The wisest duck in all the town "Let swimmers swim, let hoppers hop, "'Twas wrong to force the hens to swim, "I can't print that" the printer said This worried duck then tried to warn Now up the stream a little way When the hens began to spoil the young Of course you know where they all ran; The Duckville Daily Quack declared: "That's right!" the young ducks all agreed, They let the hens from Gooseville in, When Duckville's Mayor's term was up, But when he praised the wild young ducks The hens chipped in to help this cluck And sure enough, this stupid duck, The Mayor said, "Gooseville must go! They called the geese by filthy names; The geese got mad and threw some rocks, The ducks (who knew not of the tricks Now when the ducks had whipped the geese The hens are back in Gooseville now; They drained the Gooseville swimming pond; They formed a council of the hens, No sooner had they set this up, They took a vote amongst the hens, And so they kicked the swans all out By this time, Duckville was a mess; The hens were selling loco weed The hens all preached of 'Tolerance'; At last the very dumbest ducks But the hens had planned for even this This hen-tool duck had whipped the geese; This hen-tool got elected, The hens now kicked the ducks around, They pumped the swimming pond all dry; The hens stirred up the happy crows Things got so bad that fifty ducks They flew through storm and tempest; They settled down exhausted, Now after many years of toil, The first ducks now were long since dead; One day down near the entrance gate "Oh let us in" these poor birds cried |